Side Effects Of Garlic

 1. Might Hurt The Liver

- it could be hurt by excessive garlic consumption.
- garlic, though virtually non-toxic, can cause liver damage if taken in excess 

2. Can Cause Bad Odor

-  Bad odor or breath can turn people off like no other

3. Nausea, Vomiting, And Heartburn

- consuming fresh garlic bulbs, or the extracts or the oil on an empty stomach might cause nausea, vomiting, and heartburn .

4. Diarrhea

- Consuming garlic on an empty stomach can also cause diarrhea 

5. Might Aggravate Bleeding

- garlic can increase the risk of bleeding

6. Might Cause Gastric Issues

- garlic as one of the foods to be avoided for treating GERD
-  enteric-coated garlic products, upon ingestion, resulted in the reddening of the gastric mucous membrane

7. Might Lower Blood Pressure Way Too Much

-  if you are already on medications for high blood pressure, then maybe not. 

- Taking garlic by mouth can also modestly reduce blood pressure 

8. Headache

- Garlic, especially when taken in its raw form, could trigger migraines.

9. Might Aggravate Bleeding

- The release of allicin is what makes garlic ideal for lowering blood pressure levels

10. Might Cause Vision Changes

- ntaking large doses of garlic, an anticoagulant, has been found to cause or worse hyphema. Hyphema can cause permanent vision loss.