1. Blue or white fingertips
- poor circulation condition called Raynaud’s syndrome
- which occurs when the small blood vessels become sensitive to temperature change.
2. Nail ridges
3. Pale nail beds
- this can be a sign of the iron-deficiency anemia, this is as a result of not enough red blood cells
circulating your body.
- it’s often due to a decrease in available oxygen in the body and could signal chronic lung disease
4. Trembling hands
- trembling can be caused by too much caffeine, high anxiety and certain asthma drugs and antidepressants.
5. Clubbed fingers
- it’s often due to a decrease in available oxygen in the body and could signal chronic lung disease
6. Blotchy red palms
- sign of liver disease,in particular cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver.
7. Sweaty palms
- Stress and an overactive thyroid, which speeds up your metabolism, generating more heat and burning extra calories can cause sweaty palms.
8. Discoloured nails
- it could be a fungal infection, which if frequent, can be an early sign of diabetes.
9. Fatty knuckles
- sign of a potential fatal high cholesterol condition called
10. Fingers curling inwards
- symptom of Dupuytren’s contracture, in which the tendons running from the fingertips to the palms of the hands thicken.