Fruits Boost Penis Health And increased erection in men

  1. Apple 

"An apple a day, keeps your penis healthy and safe"

The antioxidants in apple can allow the flow of healthy blood to the genital organs 

the flavonoids found in apples can also prevent the growth of tumours in and around the penis.

 2. Avocado 

- Adding avocados to your daily diet can also help boost the health of your penis 

- due to the presence of the omega-3 fatty acids in this fruit.

 3. Banana 

- an enzyme known as bromelain, has the ability to boost the production of testosterone 

- testosterone hormone is needed for a better penile health.

 4. Beetroot 

- beetroots contain a high amount of nitrates, which have the ability to dilate the blood vessels in the penis naturally. 

it allows the flow of more oxygenated blood, thus improving libido and penile health.

  5. Broccoli 

- but it can also help boost the health of your penis, as the vitamin C in broccoli helps in the better flow of blood to the genitals.

  6. Carrots 

- including boosting your immunity and improving eye health.

- as carrots are rich in vitamin A, they can help boost the production of the male hormone

 7. Cherry 

- cherries reduces the build-up of plaque in the arteries, which allows a better flow of blood to the genitals.

- they’re high in iron, fiber, potassium, and magnesium
- they'll increase arousal in the bedroom