Signs of early aging in men

Red Eyes

- Chronic red eyes can be a sign of chronic inflammation, which is associated with several age-related diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Fatty Deposits Around the Eyes

-Droopy eyelids can be an indication of fatigue, allergies, thyroid dysfunction, or fluid retention.

Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

- Wrinkles and sagging skin may feel like an inevitable part of aging, but some people see wrinkles and fine lines as early as their 20s. 

Changes in Skin Tone or Texture

-  dry, flaky skin suddenly crops up you might want to check out your thyroid. 

You Constantly Feel Stressed Out

- If your job or home life is stressful and you aren’t taking care of yourself in a way that will help you alleviate and manage that stress, cortisol is probably running wild in your blood stream

Another signs of aging may include:

• Prostrate enlargement
• Testicular atrophy
• Diabetes
• Obesity
• Hypertension
• Extreme depression
• Lack of energy